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Ancient Vaimanika Sastra of Bharat

The Vaimanika Shastra was reproduced in early 20th century, it was compiled using old Hindu texts. The manual is in  Sanskrit text and discusses about the science involved with the study, design, and manufacturing of air-flight capable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft and rocketry within the atmosphere. It has 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters and was attributed by Shastry to Maharishi Bharadwaj, which makes it of purportedly “ancient” origin, and there for it has a certain notability in ancient astronaut theories.

Many slokas points to the

construction of airplanes, defend the airplane; stealth technology for the airplane, radio, communication, photography, radar systems, Dog Fighting, Proper Aerial Attacks.

The secrets or features are:


1. MAANTRIKA - By invoking certain identified mantras to obtain spiritual and mesmeric powers to construct flying machines that cannot be destroyed by any means.


2. TAANTRIKA - By invoking specific tantric powers to endow the vimana with some special powers.



By study of architects like Vishwakarma, Chaayaapurusha, Manu, Maya and others, to construct planes of various patterns.”

Definition is suggestive of real hardware, without intervention of super natural or extraordinary powers.


Danger faced by the flying machine in certain cross sections of the atmosphere is referred to. Advance-warning to the pilot on such zones is discussed. Avoidance action through a detour of such zone forms the special feature.

Knowledge of atmosphere and danger zones therein was evidently available leading to the concept of an avoidance technique. Primarily an advance weather warning feature as an on-board system to assist the pilot is under discussion. Perhaps, analogues to weather-warning radar as a flight safety device.


As explained in ‘Vayutatva prakarana’, by harnessing the powers, yaasaa, prayaasa in the eighth atmospheric layer covering the earth to attract the dark content of the solar ray, and use it to hide the vimana from the enemy. Concept is one of concealment of vimana from vision. Principle of achieving invisibility or camouflaging of aircraft from enemy is clear. Notably enemy may include enemy aircraft or ground forces. Strategic and tactical roles of the vimana are distinctly conceived. Harnessing the dark content of solar rays’ as a feature is significant. Concept of concealing aircraft from enemy’s vision was evolved in modern military aviation only in the latter part of twentieth century. Invisibility technique spans from simple camouflaging methods to stealth features to circumvent radar detection. Here the principle is beyond conventional camouflaging.



“By collision of the electric power and wind power in the atmosphere, a glow is created, whose reflection is to be caught in the ‘Vishwa kriya Darpana’ or mirror at the front of the vimana, and by its manipulation to produce a maaya-vimana or camouflaged vimana”. Primarily a concept of decoy and / or diversionary technique.  Using refection of a glow generated by electrical and wind energies in the atmosphere and manipulating the reflection of the vimana through ViswaKriya Darpana in creating a decoy Vimana is hinted. Obviously suggests use in course of vimana performing strategic and tactical roles to mislead enemy’s air and ground attacks. Could be a concept of creating mirage of vimana as a decoy.


“According to ‘Shakti tantra’, by means of the Vymarathya Vikarana and other powers in the heart centre of the solar mass, attract the force of the etherial flow in the sky, and mingle it with Balaahaavikarana shakti in the aerial globe, producing thereby a white cover which will make the vimana invisible.” By definition, to produce the effect of a white glow around the vimana by attraction of ethereal flow in the atmosphere and mixing it with the energy in the aerial globe. A cocooning technique to achieve invisibility. Harnessing energy sources in atmosphere for on-board use is interesting. Evidently, strategic and tactical applications in aerial warfare.


“According to ‘Meghotpatti prakarana’ or the science of the birth of clouds, by entering the second of the summer cloud layers, and attracting the power therein with the shaktyaakarshana Darpana or force attraction mirror in the vimana, and applying it to the parivesha or halo of the Vimana a paralyzing force is generated, and opposing vimanas are paralyzed and put out of action”. Principles of formation of clouds referred to as “Meghotpatti-prakarana” indicate the possession of knowledge of science of atmosphere. Derivation of energy from clouds through “Shaktyakarshana yantra” eventually to generate paralyzing force and directing this energy against enemy planes. A lethal measure in combat flying in strategic attacks. Could be both in strategic or tactical roles of mission. Used in the event of multiple air attack. Distinctly can be categorized under the concept of Biological warfare.


“According to ‘Shakti-tantra’, by projection of the Rohinee beam of light, things in front of the vimana are made visible.” Shakti tantra is referred on the principle underlying this on-board feature. To achieve a kind of visibility in front of the vimana using Rohinee Beam. This may be a special optical beam employed for flying during darkness for the purpose of sighting or  landing/take off. Possibilities of this beam not being a conventional light source, but for other applications like radar beam cannot be over ruled.


“As prescribed in the Yantraangopasamhaara section, when the vimana is flying at a speed with fully extended wings and there is danger ahead, turning the seventh switch in the vimana, its parts can be made to contract.” Contraction of the wings of the Vimana while flying at high speed. “YANTRANGOPASAMHAARA” quoted as the guide containing this principle of operation. Evidently a mechanical contrivance provided as an on-board control feature. Could be to gain add-on speed by constricting the profile. Concept of variable geometry swing-wing / flapping-wing configuration is evident.


“According to ‘Akaashatantra’, when the vimana is in the central air flood in the third and first regions of the sky, by turning the switch in the eleventh section of the plane, it becomes expanded suitably according to ‘Vaalmeeki Ganita”. An inverse function of Sankocha, again with variable geometry configuration of the structure. Employed for expansion of wings while flying through certain atmospheric zone as a flight protection measure. ‘Akaasha tantra’ quoted as the guiding text. ‘Vaalmiki ganitha’ is quoted possibly in relation to variable geometry principle.


“As stated in ‘Dhooma prakarana’, by producing the thirty second kind of smoke through the mechanism and charging it with light of the heat waves in the sky and projectiong it through the padmaka chakra tube to the bhyravee oil-smeared Vyroopya-darpana at the top of the vimana, and whirling with 130 second type of speed, a very fierce and terrifying shape of the vimana will emerge, causing utter fright to onlookers." By definition means change of appearance. With combined use of specified smoke and light of the heat wave in the atmosphere, and projecting through Padmaka chakra tube on oil smeared Vyroopya darpana, creating artificial fierce shapes of the vimana. Causing fright among the enemy forces aimed at through this on board system. Use of this feature in strategic and tactical air warfare roles. Fierce shapes produced could as well be to convey coded signals. Each shape denoting a signal.


“As stated in ‘Tylaprakarana’, by preparing griddhrajihwaa, kumbhinee, and kaakajangha oils and anointing the distorting mirror in the vimana with them, applying to it the nineteenth kind of smoke and charging with the kuntinee shakti in the vimana, shapes like lion, tiger, rhinoceros, serpent, mountain, river will appear and amaze observers and confuse them.”

By definition means ‘conveying varied appearances’. Application of mixture of specified oils on distorting mirror in the vimana, applying specified smoke and charging with Kuntinee shakthi appearance of special shapes is effected. Changes in the looks of Vimana might be aimed at for use as coded signals to convey particular status of operation, or may even convey specific messages to ones own ground forces in the form of operational communication. Though not mentioned as a means to tackle enemy forces, this technique could also be to psyche them with scary shapes and divert their attention. It could also be to escape pinpoint sighting and targeting of the vimana itself by opponent forces. Hence it seems to include both evasive and communicational roles. Technique is on the lines of color emission producing aesthetic effects in air shows in modern aviation.


“By attracting the thirteen kind of karaka force mentioned in ‘Karaka prakarana’ applying snow-surcharged air and projecting it on the right side of the vimana and focusing on it the suragha beam, a heavenly damsel bedecked with flowers and jewels will appear to onlookers of the vimana.” Projecting the appearance of a damsel adorned with jewels and flowers. Use of Karaka force and snow charged air, projecting it to Pushpinee-pinjuala mirror and focusing a special beam results in  creation of such shape. ‘Karaka Prakaranam’ is a treatise dealing with this technique. Concept possibly intended to convey aesthetically pleasing look on the onlookers (obviously not for enemy’s consumption). Concept is on the lines of Roopantara but appears for employment in friendly territory on tactical role. Interesting interpretation of a damsel bedecked with flowers may be intended to announce victory or a favourable status. Could be a mode of entertaining own forces. The technique is similar to modern air displays.


“As stated in ‘Amshubodhinee’, out of Samgnaana and other sixteen digits of the solar glow, by attracting the twelveth to the sixteenth digits and focusing them on the air force in the Mayookha section in the fourth pathway in the sky and similarly by attracting the force of the etherial glow and mingling it with the glow in the seventh layer of air mass and then by projecting both these forces through the five tubes in the vimana on to the section of the guhaa-garbha mirror, a rich glow like the morning glow of the sun will be produced." Meaning refers to rich glow of rising sun. Effect derived from a combination of specified digit of solar glow energy and air mass of specified sections of atmosphere, etherial glow coupled with Guha garba mirror. Guiding work quoted is “Amshubodhini”. This work also ascribed to Maharshi Bharadwaja, deals all about solar rays and energy harnessing from these rays. This text is referred to many a time in ‘Vymaanika Shastra’. Possibly employed as a ‘time-diversionary’ tactic during night aerial battles. Creating such an effect could be very useful in confusing enemy ground forces and upset their operational movement plans. Employment in strategic role is useful.


“As described in ‘Darpana Prakarana’, by means of the dark force mirror, capture the force of darkness, pass it through the Thamo Yantra in the north-west side of the vimana and by turning a switch produce at noon-day the utter darkness of the night of the new-moon.” ‘Tama’ basically means darkness. Tamomaya means Illusory darkness. Employing dark force creating mirror, capture darkness energy and using Tamo yantra to produce total darkness at the brightest part of the day.  ‘Darpanaprakarana’ is the guiding text and Tamoyantra is the contraption effecting it. Instant confusion is created in enemy forces, movement of troops could be hampered. Sighting of the Vimaana instantly affected, thus helping a quick escape, possibly one of the best methods of self-concealment for a Vimaana. A very useful tool in strategic attacks during daytime. A clever deception tactic in a situation when trapped in the midst of enemy forces and while the Vimana is caught in crisis situation.


“As described in the magic book of destruction, attract the five kinds of smoke through the tube of the contracting machine in the front part of the vimana and merge it in the cloud-smoke mentioned in ‘Shadgarbha Viveka’. Pushing it by electric force through the five limbed aerial tube, destroy everything as in a catacyclism.” Total annihilation concept. Using five kinds of smoke, merging it with cloud smoke and directing electrical energy to push through five on board naalas create massive destruction of enemy forces. Evidently the most lethal strategic weapon discussed so far. In strategic role, could be even meant as a suicidal action in a desperate situation. 


“As mentioned in ‘Rig-hridaya’, by projecting the force of Kubera, Vimukha and Vyshawaanara poison powder through the third tube of the roudree mirror and turning the switch of the air mechanism, produce wholesale insensibility and coma.”

Using prescribed substances including poisonous materials in conjunction with Roudree mirror bringing about insensibility in enemy forces.

19. TAARA -

“By mixing with ethereal force ten parts of air force, seven parts of water force and sixteen parts of solar glow and projecting it by means of the star-faced mirror through the frontal tube of the vimana, the appearance of a star-spangled sky is created.” In combination of ethereal energy, air and water forces and sunglow projecting the resultant light through star faced mirror to obtain the effect. Creation of such effects in combat flying during nights can be useful in both strategic and tactical roles. In strategic role it could be to generate a night sky where artificial dispositions of stars generated could mislead the enemy forces on navigation and movements. In tactical role, the effect is either to create an aesthetic effect or conveying coded signals to friendly troops.


“By concentrating the air force in the seven tubes of the vimana and turning the switch, produce, as stated in ‘Shabda Prakaashikaa’ a crescendo of thunderous din, which stuns people and makes them quake with fear and become insensible.”

Using the Air force through multiple naalas of Vimana to produce a thunder sound to unnerve the forces. Analogous to the technique of domination over the enemy troop-locations and causing insensitivity to put them out of action. Biological warfare in strategic application.



“As stated in ‘Vaayu tattva prakarana’ when crossing from one air stream into another, the vimana faces the baadaba glow of the sun and catches fire. In order to prevent that, the electric force and air force in the vimana should be conjoined and centered in the life-centre of the vimana, and by turning the switch, the vimana will leap into safety.” Avoidance of Badabda glow of Sun while negotiating from one atmospheric zone to another and using air and electric energy (captive in the Vimana) to provide a leaping force. Essentially a measure to achieve safe flying in specified atmospheric zone.

Many more as below. 












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We try and dig deep into the subjects and create possibly something "unknown". But for now, enjoy PROPER AVIONIX and EXPERIENCE PHYSICS.

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